What is The 7 ages of Aanda?
Aanda is a non binary character created by Adored and Adorned (A-and-A).
There will only be 182 Aanda NFT’s that document Aanda’s life through the 7 ages from birth to death.
There will be a new Aanda NFT dropped every 2 weeks for the next 7 years.
Each new year is colour tagged and all the images are numbered.
What is an NFT?
A Non Fungible Token is linked to the same blockchain as Etherium.
It is a unique “token” that is highly collectible and has a potential value.
It is an exciting new form of art.
How do I buy an Aanda?
Aanda NFTs are currently only available on https://opensea.io/collection/aanda
They “drop” every two weeks.
Be quick they don’t hang around too long.
You will need to set up a “crypto wallet’ to buy an Aanda from Opensea and a safe place to keep an Aanda.
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Why should I invest?
Aanda’s starting price is $300. Each consequent piece rises by 5%
If you extrapolate this maths, the 182nd Aanda will cost around $1,4 million.
It could be worth nothing… it is a lottery ticket.
Note: “Beeple”, a previously unknown artist sold his NFT piece for in excess of $69million .
NFT’s are highly sought after by investors as well as art lovers as there is margin for such huge potential profits.
I want one, can you help?
We will do our best to help you acquire an Aanda, letting you know precisely when they drop to give you the best chance of winning it.
Can I buy a print?
Ltd Edition prints will be on sale later, perhaps even sculpture editions but the original NFT is the prize!